Thinking or planning to purchase your own house is a major leap in your entire life. Your primary consideration is your family and your current financial ability. You will be faced with a multitude of decisions in the process. A lot of question comes into your mind . . . How to start? Can I afford a single detached, a townhouse or a condo? What area will I consider? etc, etc. I am here to get you started and will be working closely with you. I will make sure to inform you on what to expect on this journey. My goal is to find you a property that is fairly priced, in good condition and will meet your criteria.
Your First Step - Loan Qualification
You need to be pre-qualified with a mortgage company. This will give you an idea of how much the price range of the property we are looking for. The financial aspect will be dealt with accordingly by a Mortgage Professional or Mortgage Broker. I am ready to refer you to one of the best mortgage professionals that has an excellent reputation and track record for successfully acquiring loan approval for his/her clients. (see affiliates)
Criteria and your specific needs
Once you have been pre-qualified, we can move forward to point out your specific needs and wants. Location, type of property, bedrooms, baths and others. As a real estate professional, I have all the resources to help you locate the home on the market that matches your specifications. Multiple Listing Service (MLS) is my primary tool to assist you. I will be able to access the New Listings and as well as more listings that you might be interested to see & visit. This will provide you with a variety of options.
Negotiations, Closing and after closing
I believe in working hand & hand with my clients. I will assist you in negotiating favourable terms with the seller/s and will complete & close the deal for you. Customer support even after closing is one of my utmost priority. My ultimate goal here is for you to have a cost-efficient and an overall pleasant experience in finding the best home for you & your family.